Stanislav Gobunov

Programmer and DevOps Engineer

Links 17-08-26

Posted at — Aug 26, 2017

Go 1.9 fresh from the vine

Improvements in runtime and tooling underpin the latest release of Go. Of particular note is the introduction of type aliases, a feature created to support gradual code repair, and the new math/bits package.

Open to interpretation

Have you ever wanted to create your own programming language from scratch? In “three easy steps” Francis Stokes shows you what goes into writing your very own interpreter

What Should be in a Coder’s Toolbox?

As Developers, we’re often met with many different technologies, all new and foreign to us, and with someone telling us it’s the next big thing and we must learn it. I’ve listened to those people for years now and I’ve found some patterns for a suitable abstraction of what types of technologies should be in your toolbox. So here there are…

WTF is Ethereum?

The ultimate guide to understand why Ethereum is not just another cryptocurrency.