- [Which is the fastest version of Python?](
which-is-the-fastest-version-of-python-2ae7c61a6b2b) –
“Python 3.7 is the fastest of the “official” Python’s and PyPy is the
fastest implementation I tested. I would love to see PyPy3 perform just as
well, if not better than PyPy in the future as Python 2 becomes less-used.”
- [The best programming languages to learn in 2018.](
best-programming-languages-to-learn-in-2018-ultimate-guide-bfc93e615b35) –
Alexander Petrov begins his post by stating, “This is the definitive guide
for anyone wanting to choose the right programming language career path in
2018.” He presents it as an objective and practical review of the current
state, tendencies, and safe near-future predictions of the IT industry at
the start of 2018.
- Textql – is a handy utility for
executing SQL queries against structured text like CSV or TSV.
- prototool – a Swiss Army Knife for
protocol buffers.
- [13 Noteworthy Points from Google’s JavaScript Style Guide](https://
– Google the best stylistic practices for writing clean, understandable code.
- Duplicity – Encrypted bandwidth-efficient
backup using the rsync algorithm. Common use case is backing up server to
S3, but there’s an impressive number of connective services, including
Google Drive, Azure,, and Dropbox.
- Introducing DNS Resolver,
(not a joke).
- [How I Find Six Figure Remote Software Developer Jobs](
colinmtech/how-i-find-six-figure-remote-software-developer-jobs-23jd) –
a list of resources to find remote work.
- [Why I switched to Vim from Visual Studio Code](
why-i-switched-to-vim-from-visual-studio-code-5gbl) – trying vim for the
second time and why it stuck.
- [21 Visionary Programmers and Coders Who Built the Web We Know Today](https://
21-visionary-programmers-and-coders-who-built-the-web-we-know-today) –
Without the contributions of countless coders and programmers, we wouldn’t
have the Internet. We have compiled a list of great minds who gave us the
world wide web.
- The History of Vim.