Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
GPS – Global Positioning System is, without a doubt, one of the most useful inventions of the late 20th century. It made it significantly easier for ships, airplanes, cars, and hikers to figure out where they are with high degree of accuracy.
How we saved 70K cores across 30 mission-critical services – As part of Uber engineering’s wide efforts to reach profitability, recently our team was focused on reducing cost of compute capacity by improving efficiency. Some of the most impactful work was around GOGC optimization. In this blog we want to share our experience with a highly effective, low-risk, large-scale, semi-automated Go GC tuning mechanism.
Figma for developers – If you’re a developer who works with designers, you’re already familiar with the infamous “handoff” – that point in the workflow when you start turning wireframes and mockups into code. Even if you’re not personally familiar with the process, it’s probably unsurprising to hear that this can be a real pain point. This pain can be lessened, however, when both sides have an understanding of what the other will be looking for in the handoff process.
Why is my Rust build so slow? – “If you haven’t been writing Rust for a long time, you’ve probably heard ‘Rust compile times are long’ and so it might be hard for you to gauge whether over one minute is excessive for a hot build. Luckily I’m here to tell you: of course it’s excessive. Anything over a few seconds is excessive. So, how do we find what’s going on?”
Generics facilitators in Go – Go 1.18 has generics support, but there are a few limitations in the current implementation.
Beautiful technical debt – What looks like a technical debt in a software solution, might be the most efficient way for people to deliver business value in a given situation. There is a beauty in that, if observed from a distance.
5 heuristics to decide when It’s time to stop designing and start coding – As engineers, we divide our work between designing solutions and building them. In this post, I’ll focus on deciding how much time and effort should go into design work that happens before any execution (coding).
sinker – syncs container images from one registry to another. This is useful in cases when you rely on images that exist in a public container registry, but need to pull from a private registry.
“The WHOIS protocol is one of the older internet protocols around. It’s infuriatingly simple, by and large considered obsolete, and the data provided by it is unpredictable, unreliable, incomplete, and, of course, still one of the cornerstones of internet operations.”
A handy post on securing a GitHub organisation, from configuring with code to permissions, authentication, external users, audit logs and more.
elfshaker – High performance version control for binaries.
watchexec – a simple, standalone tool that watches a path and runs a command whenever it detects modifications. – this is nuts! Get a disposable Linux box (a container, actually) with systemd and play with it right from your browser.
Syncthing anywhere with Tailscale – Twitter user @faultables details how to Syncthing with Tailscale for continuous, remote file synchronization.
Testing distributed systems – Curated list of resources on testing distributed systems.
haveibeenexpired – A handy online service which watches your SSL certificates and notifies you well in advance of their expiration.
5 old Programming Languages you should know about – An old programming language can teach you a lot and can make you for sure a better developer. People today are getting used to have everything provided by the language and that’s bad because it doesn’t force you to think. Old programming language lack a lot of things that you find in modern languages, but that doesn’t mean they’re not as powerful, as they provide you all the tools to implement things yourself.
Programming in 1987 versus today – The year is 2022 and 35 years later, I still remember that damned sentence. The year was 1987 and I was writing a text adventure in BASIC for the COCO 2.
Technical time travel: On vintage programming books – What if we turn that lens backward, toward the yesteryear innovations of our shared past? Not in an effort to gain some competitive edge in the present - although the insight of historical context can be piercing - but simply to satisfy intellectual curiosity. To scratch that innocent itch for understanding how things work. Or, given hindsight, why they didn’t.
Dennis Ritchie: Biography of a Pioneer Programmer Who Shaped the Computing History.